To update on last year’s resolutions… lets just say it was not meant to be! I’ve seen lots of bunnies and continue to celebrate their existence. This year has flown by, I’m hoping the next 4 months will continue to fly by. My weekly pediatric neuro clinics feel like getting dunked in the most refreshing pool of water and coming up to sunshine!
True, some of the kids are really sick and some of the moms are (understandably) basketcases but it’s so different from taking care of adults. This year we have to watch so many people slowly die. I have nothing but respect for Adult Neurologists, but man does it tug at the heartstrings. I still get a little weepy when I have to explain to a family that a patient has Parkinson’s, or ALS. Or a giant brainstem stroke where they likely may not recover any function. And I get even more weepy when the 90-something year old patient’s 90-something year old spouse (with a little dementia of their own) says they’ll do everything they can to help the patient through this. This is Love!
What really made me write was this gorgeous scene I saw on my way home from work. It was right after my in-service exam and it had poured all day. A really nice steady rain. It eased up as I drove home, and I saw an opening in the clouds with sun rays lighting a part of the highway about a mile away… the road looked like it was glowing! with a rainbow coming out of it! As I got closer, the water on the road sprayed up from the tires of the cars in front of me, and the water caught the rays so there looked like there were about ten miniature rainbows coming from the tires of the cars. After a lot of googling, I found this pic... it's kind of close:

Of course it was more beautiful being there... picture the above with more cars, a road that looked almost metallic, brighter light, and a bigger rainbow! Where's a camera when you need one!
And finally, This year's Resolutions (it’s never too late!):
1. try not to be so cranky post-call.
2. stay on my surfboard!
3. learn Spanish
4. juego mi guitarra mas (see #3)
5. cook more (things that involve more than two steps)
6. visit the newborn nursery more often. I have just gotten clearance from the nurses that I can feed all the babies I want!
Peace out!