“And here’s a hit from ‘98” the radio DJ said as Green Day’s Time of Your Life started playing. I turned it up to sing along to, then realized that 1998 was TEN YEARS AGO! Holy Goodness.
Which is a nice segway into my new obsess—er, discovery. For some reason (the same reason I like to think caused me to miss shows like Saved by the Bell and the Wonder Years… gasp!) I never watched My So Called Life when it came out. I think I woulda been in the eighth grade, I totally watched shows like Party of Five, even Dawson’s and Felicity (quality show!) but sadly MSCL missed me. And I never did have MTV to catch up either. So when abc.com started playing past episodes, I started watching.
First, the show is fantastic!! Even now I can relate to it, and I think people of all maturity levels can. I have a huge appreciation for Angela’s character… as creator Winnie Holzman describes, the quiet girl at the back of English class who turns in everything on time and does everything right, who has so much more going on inside than she expresses. And I think that’s fun to see—her head is in the clouds almost as much as mine was (a trait I’m still trying to outgrow.) Jared Leto Rocks!! I love the fact Angela can laugh in Jordan Catalano--Jared Leto's--face when he asks her to have sex with him and then walk away. Speaking of Jordan Catalano—he totally reminds me of MY high school crush… but um, slower. (And I don't think I got past saying eight sentences to him in those four years. Some of which I still remember.) :-)
I’ve seen far too many 14 and 15 year old girls this month on the OB floors who didn’t make that decision to walk away, or the decision to use protection, and now have to take care of a baby instead of being a kid and going to school. I wonder if it’s because of shows depicting high school in less realistic ways—glamorous sex lives, expensive cars, tube tops, who knows. MSCL handled that topic—and more—awesomely, and honestly. I’d say we should make new episodes, but really… would it be the same now? MTV had it right-- just replay the old ones! Whatever happened to Juliana Hatfield?! Her music was incredible!
Thank you Meyling for supplying my addiction (Meyling: I UNDERSTAND!!! I UNDERSTAND!!) :-) Only now I’m feeling an insane amount of withdrawal! The series ends with the worst cliffhanger of all time, second only to… Wow I can’t think of any bad cliffhangers. Which is good because then I’d ruin another show for you. :-) It’s funny though I know exactly how I want it to end now, but 15 years ago I would have wanted it to end in the completely opposite way. Maybe this is WISDOM! Who knows, in 15 more years I’ll want there to be robots and exploding things. :-)
And did we really wear so much flannel back then?
“There are so many different ways to be connected to people. There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there’s not a real word for it. There's the people who you’ve known forever who know you in this way that other people can’t because they’ve seen you change. They’ve let you change” ~ Angela, My So Called Life
Which is a nice segway into my new obsess—er, discovery. For some reason (the same reason I like to think caused me to miss shows like Saved by the Bell and the Wonder Years… gasp!) I never watched My So Called Life when it came out. I think I woulda been in the eighth grade, I totally watched shows like Party of Five, even Dawson’s and Felicity (quality show!) but sadly MSCL missed me. And I never did have MTV to catch up either. So when abc.com started playing past episodes, I started watching.
First, the show is fantastic!! Even now I can relate to it, and I think people of all maturity levels can. I have a huge appreciation for Angela’s character… as creator Winnie Holzman describes, the quiet girl at the back of English class who turns in everything on time and does everything right, who has so much more going on inside than she expresses. And I think that’s fun to see—her head is in the clouds almost as much as mine was (a trait I’m still trying to outgrow.) Jared Leto Rocks!! I love the fact Angela can laugh in Jordan Catalano--Jared Leto's--face when he asks her to have sex with him and then walk away. Speaking of Jordan Catalano—he totally reminds me of MY high school crush… but um, slower. (And I don't think I got past saying eight sentences to him in those four years. Some of which I still remember.) :-)
I’ve seen far too many 14 and 15 year old girls this month on the OB floors who didn’t make that decision to walk away, or the decision to use protection, and now have to take care of a baby instead of being a kid and going to school. I wonder if it’s because of shows depicting high school in less realistic ways—glamorous sex lives, expensive cars, tube tops, who knows. MSCL handled that topic—and more—awesomely, and honestly. I’d say we should make new episodes, but really… would it be the same now? MTV had it right-- just replay the old ones! Whatever happened to Juliana Hatfield?! Her music was incredible!
Thank you Meyling for supplying my addiction (Meyling: I UNDERSTAND!!! I UNDERSTAND!!) :-) Only now I’m feeling an insane amount of withdrawal! The series ends with the worst cliffhanger of all time, second only to… Wow I can’t think of any bad cliffhangers. Which is good because then I’d ruin another show for you. :-) It’s funny though I know exactly how I want it to end now, but 15 years ago I would have wanted it to end in the completely opposite way. Maybe this is WISDOM! Who knows, in 15 more years I’ll want there to be robots and exploding things. :-)
And did we really wear so much flannel back then?
“There are so many different ways to be connected to people. There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there’s not a real word for it. There's the people who you’ve known forever who know you in this way that other people can’t because they’ve seen you change. They’ve let you change” ~ Angela, My So Called Life
1 comment:
I WORE THAT MUCH FLANNEL!! :) I'm SO glad I have someone to share this obsession with...after 13-14years of bottling it up because I had no one physically to talk with about it (does a once in a while random post on the mscl forum count...or is that just pathetic?)...I can finally unleash my inner mscl. woooooo :)
did you know that the picture you posted is the inspiration for the jerry mcguire scene when tom cruise and renee zellweger meet outside? or did i already tell you that? i can't remember.
And...I totally agree with you on tv depicting teenage lives in unrealistic ways! I saw this show on the CW called Gossip Girl...and they were drinking alcohol in a bar (did the bartender not bother to card them?) and having sex...a lot. And they're in high school...sure that happens, but at least handle it differently!
Aww RO!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE (tristan prettyman!) MSCL! yay! :)
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